Jonathan Renshaw

Take me There Save today's kalrys

Dawn of Wonder

Dawn of Wonder Book Cover
Awards Logos

Winner, 2015 LYRA Award

Winner, 2015 CIPA EVVY Award

Winner, 2016 Readers' Favourite Award

Winner, 2015 Beverly Hills Book Award

Winner, 2016 Audible Best Fantasy Audiobook

Runner-up, 2016 IPPY Awards, and Great Midwest Book Festival

Amazon #1 Best Seller in Epic Fantasy, Historical Fantasy and Coming of Age

Audible #1 Best Seller in Epic Fantasy

$4.99 on Amazon
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"I flat out love this book!"

Book in the Bag

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"This is one of the best novels I've read all year. Readers will know what it's like to be transported to a magical, compelling world within a book."

San Francisco Book Review

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From the Author

Have you ever wished you could capture a moment, but not just the moment, the feeling that made the moment what it was?

Dawn of Wonder was written to be an epic adventure and a far-reaching tale of mystery and love, but I wanted it to be more than that, I wanted to capture something I couldn't quite define.

About Dawn of Wonder

From the Blog

A most enjoyable interview with a fellow writer, now friend, Davis Ashura. Davis: Today, I get to interview Jonathan Renshaw, author of the fantastic Dawn of Wonder, the first volume of his planned Wakening series. But before we get to your book, Jonathan, let’s talk about what you’ve done in the past. There is an old wives’Read the full article

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First up, let me say that I’m sorry for the long silence. It wasn’t voluntary. I actually tried a few times to write posts, but what I produced was unpublishable. Since the last blog article, I fell into a gully of worsening symptoms that seemed to have no end. Over the months, I made severalRead the full article

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The second half of 2021 ended well. I was able to work slightly longer hours without hitting those dreaded brain lockups that can last for weeks. If you’re wondering why I didn’t just sign out of everything until fully recovered, it doesn’t really work that way. A complete break is a good start, but recoveryRead the full article

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